This performance is exclusive to our CARERS & BABIES CLUB. You must have at least one baby in your party aged 0-12 months old. Winner of Best Aminated Feature at this year's Academy Awards. A solitary cat, displaced by a great flood, finds refuge on a boat with a capybara, a lemur, a dog and other animals and must navigate the challenges of adapting to a transformed world together. Director Gints Zilbalodis has taken the animation world by storm with his beautifully crafted sophomore feature Flow, which pushes the boundaries of animation, immersing audiences in a world before unseen. Building on the promise of his impressive feature debut AWAY (also screening at ActOne), Zilbalodis cements his position as a visionary director with this captivating, dialogue-free escapade, whose ambition and scope is breathtaking. The mystical world he creates in Flow is in peril. There are traces of human inhabitants, but they are now nowhere to be seen as water begins to flood the landscape. The story begins following a small, solitary cat as the shoreline rises and the home where it once lived is submerged underwater. Forced to flee, he happens upon a refuge boat containing a calm and unperturbed capybara who seems amenable to his presence, and the two begin a journey on the water towards higher ground. Along the way they cross paths with a lemur, obsessed with collecting shiny objects, a boisterous and excitable dog and a stoic, mysterious secretary bird. Together, as they traverse the landscape on their fable-like quest, the ragtag team of animals must learn to trust each other and work together to survive.AnimationPT1H25MU2025-04-08
Gints Zilbalodis
Gints Zilbalodis
Ron Dyens
Gregory Zalcman
Matīss Kaža
Alon Knoll


April 8, 11:30 am

ActOne Cinema - Independent Crowdfunded Community Cinema