Gift Memberships & Vouchers


Gift Vouchers

Share the gift of cinema

Valentine offer

Nothing more romantic than unlimited trips to the cinema with that special someone! Gift them a Membership Plus -our membership for two- now cheaper than ever! Offer is valid until Valentine's Day, February 14th, 23:59pm.

Our Plus Membership is designed for up to two people, who get 8 free tickets to share, 10% off on all tickets, 5% off at the bar at all times, one free ticket each and 20% off at the bar on the week of each member's birthday, they don't pay booking fees and get the cost of their membership back when hiring us for a private screening! *The 10% ticket discount applies on top of any other discounts you may have (e.g. senior, student) Membership benefits do not apply to selected special screenings.

Just add a gift membership in your basket through the boxes below, click on your cart at the top of the screen and in the pop up window that will appear enter the email addrtess of the gift recipient, your message to them and click submit. Then continue through the checkout process and when done, the recipient will receive an email with your message and instructions how to activate their new membership! 
Prefer to keep the gift a secret? Send the gift first to yourself! You can also come by our box office to claim a free ActOne greetings card and envelope for a physical presentation of your loving gesture!

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To buy a membership for yourself, please visit this page. To redeem a gift please visit this page.

Prefer a physical gift? Come by the box office and for each gift membership or e-voucher you have bought we'll give you a free ActOne greetings card and envelope!

Voucher Sales Widget

Voucher Sales Widget Member Plus - Limited Time Offer - Basic Membership - Standard Membership

Gift Card Sales Widget

Gift Card Sales Widget Basic - Standard - Joint

Gift Card Sales Widget

Gift Card Sales Widget Gift Card - Gift Card - Gift Card - Gift Card - Gift Card (Custom Amount)


ActOne Cinema - Independent Crowdfunded Community Cinema