Based on the historic reform school in 1960s Florida called the Dozier School for Boys, which was notorious for abusive treatment of students, NICKEL BOYS explores the story of Elwood Curtis, an intelligent and idealistic African-American teenager who is sent to a fictional version of the Dozier School, after he is falsely accused of a crime. While there, he meets a boy named Turner, a smart but more cynical kindred spirit, who guides him through the school. The two form a close friendship as they try to survive the horrors of the school and its corrupt administrators...
Director RaMell Ross vividly brings Colson Whitehead’s Pulitzer Prize-winner to life with this masterclass in adaptation. In his transcendent narrative feature debut, Ross brilliantly employs an innovative approach, offering multiple layers and lenses. Strikingly employing a first-person perspective, Ross places us at the heart of the kaleidoscope of memories that make up Elwood and Turner’s story. The result is a unique and powerful cinematic experience, employing haunting, dream-like images that contrast with the brutality of a prejudiced world.NICKEL BOYS showing at: January 15, 3:10 pm
Location: ActOne Cinema119 - 121 High Street, London, W3 6NA3